Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Medium

To begin my stop motion project I will buy tons of plasticine. Since Im going to be making a shamppo bottle into a dragon, it will require a lot of time and patience. The reason im doing it in plasticine is becuase I think its easier than drawing it. I considered charchaol drwing before plasticine, I hope my choice is the best. The most challenging will be molding the playdoo into a dragon. It has to be near perfection in order to look good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Stop Motion

Stop Motion is when you take a series of photos and put all together in a sequence. It gives a viewer perspetive of something new and creative. I dont know how else to explain it. This type of art making is incredible, I really like it. I think people like to make these animations because they are fun and great to make. And if you make it right, you get a really awsome. Especially if you dont put the citures in order, you will really mess up. You have to follow the right steps in order to have a great video. Im beginning to make one myself. Included in this blog, I will include two of my favorite stop motion videos.


Monday, November 8, 2010

William Kentridge

Kentridge's work makes me feel light headed. He will draw and animate anyhting. He will just draw random stuff. He has a poetic look to his drawings. Anyway, if I had to describe his drawings to a blind person, I would say beautiful. His drawings may be random, but they have their beauty to them. He makes beautiful anitmations. This is what he does.

His process of working is very hard. He has to draw something then erase it. Then he has to draw another picture and erase it t make a new one. Its hard but its worth it becuase he does beautiful animations with stop motion. He is a really god artist.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A mash-up is a combination of 2 or more songs to make a new one. A friend recently recommended this is one, its by Jay Z and Linkin Park. I heard it and it is pretty good. Also, I heard this other one by DJ Earworm. Its also very ggod. I personally think mash-ups are cool. They take a lot of skill since you have to combine 2 songs. I good mash-up is made by making the 2 or more songs sound right. They have to go together, even if they are very different from each other. A bad one is made when the songs don't combine at all. They will sound awful. I think that people that make mash ups are true musicians. Even if they dont make the music, they still make a song. Thats what I think. Ive only listened to DJ Earworm. So.........these are my thoughts.